This weekend: Poetry, Hip Hop, & Cerealsly Sunday!

If there is one thing we offer at Word Up, it is variety.

The weekend kicks off with Dio-génes Abréu talking about his new book, Sin haitianidad no hay dominicanidad, on Friday, January 16 at 7pm. Read more about that here.

Then on Saturday, January 17,  3–4pm, there will be a short reading of poems and aphorisms from the writer, teacher, and pacifist William Stafford (1914–93). He and his wife, Dorothy (1916–2013), have had a lasting impact on artists and activists who knew them personally or who have known them through their words. Friends of the Staffords host these commemorative readings each year—in their native Oregon, around the world, and now in New York City.


Then later on Saturday, January 17, 5–7pm, we have our first Bottom’s Up! event, a hip hop showcase hosted by Charlie Uptown, featuring hip hop artist Man’E ill and guest speaker Khalil Antonio Vasquez from the Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee. With the mission to establish a source of hip hop in Washington Heights and provide a free artistic space for all inspiring artists, limited open mic slots (one song only) will be available—sign up early!

CerealslySunday_150118And on Sunday, January 18, 11am–3pm, Word Up hosts Cerealsly Sunday, a serious celebration of Saturday morning cartoon culture! In honor of the end of Saturday morning animated blocks—a programming format as old as TV itself—Word Up presents a screening of classic morning cartoons and commercials from the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. Breakfast cereal will be available in single-serve boxes, while the Flintstones, Gumby, the Smurfs, Schoolhouse Rock, and more blast on the big screen. Suggested donation: $5, with all proceeds going toward our Indiegogo campaign.

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